National Ability Awards | 9654418007

Save Environment

A little effort towards saving the environment is better than no effort.”

Saving our environment is much more important in today’s life. The degrading quality of earth life is what we all are familiar with. We frantically need to save the Environment consistently.The Earth is getting contaminated by noxious gases and exhaust made via vehicles and manufacturing plants. Assuming that we carry on dirtying this much what will befall our children? How might they live? Simply pose these inquiries to yourself and think .But WAIT! We can prevent the earth from getting dirtied by picking Eco agreeable things; it’s truly straightforward like or then again utilizes supportable timberland paper or solar energy based things and plant trees. There are so many things you can do! We don’t need our waterways which we get water from to look like crap and make this a better place to live.

                                                                                   GREEN EARTH – CLEAN EARTH

                                                                                                LET IT BREATH

Energy Conservation

The simplest way to define energy conservation is the decision to practice using less energy. Energy conservation is something that every individual should practice to ensure the continuing availability of energy.

Economically, saving energy can help save you money on energy costs.

Environmentally, saving energy can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants. In addition, it can reduce water usage.

We can accomplish acts of energy conservation by making a simple lifestyle adjustments like

  • Get a smart thermostat
  • Turn off lights and electronics
  • Use energy efficient light bulbs
  • Turn down the refrigerator
  • Put decorative lights on a timer

Earth is like our home and it is our duty to make this home a better place to live both economically and socially.

Employee Well-being

We are embedding health and well-being at the heart of our business strategy because our people are our greatest asset, and we recognize that a healthy, happy and committed workforce is vital to our business success.”
– Alex Gourlay, MD, Boots UK

Employee Wellbeing is a key factor determining an organization’s long term success and effectiveness. Organizations can certainly be proactive in their approach to employee wellbeing by providing health promotion information, that can meet their employee’s physical, mental and financial needs. When employees are given personal attention they are more likely to feel valued and respected. Emphasis on employee wellbeing has become a trend in today’s companies and it is important more than ever. Companies finally realized the power, it has to transform their employees’ lives, reduce costs related to absenteeism, healthcare and create a healthy company culture. To help prosperity at work, assemble and keep a work environment culture that encourages representatives, an organization that feels like a subsequent home. Whenever it’s thoroughly examined and successfully executed, you’ll see lower occurrences of representative burnout and higher paces of commitment.